Here is a simple utility function that creates a delay between function calls in JavaScript or TypeScript. This can be useful for scenarios where you need to throttle or debounce function calls, or create a delay between API requests.

The interval function takes an object with optional days, hours, minutes, and seconds properties, and returns the total number of milliseconds.

This function is useful when you need to create a delay between function calls, for example, to throttle user input or to limit the rate of API requests.

interface IntervalOptions {
  hours?: number
  minutes?: number
  seconds?: number
  days?: number

function interval({
  hours = 0,
  minutes = 0,
  seconds = 0,
  days = 0,
}: IntervalOptions): number {
  return (((days * 24 + hours) * 60 + minutes) * 60 + seconds) * 1000

Usage example

Here is an example of how you can use the interval function to create delays between function calls:

import { interval } from './milliseconds-interval-helper'

const FIVE_SECONDS = interval({ seconds: 5 })
const ONE_MINUTE = interval({ minutes: 1 })
const ONE_HOUR = interval({ hours: 1 })
const ONE_DAY = interval({ days: 1 })